The sea is the greatest force on earth.
It reaches impossible speeds, depths and distances. It cannot be beaten with the strongest fist, cut with the sharpest knife or stopped by the fastest bullet.
It has the power to dramatically transform everything it touches. Forever.
People have been made by it, and broken by it.
But in the Navy, we command it.


Water and salt flow through our veins in the same proportion as the sea.
That mighty force is the lifeblood of the greatest Navy ever to sail unstoppably upon it, slip stealthily beneath it or fly unchallenged above it.
The sea propels every one of our men and women to defeat or defend.
To comfort or to awe. To victory or to the rescue.


All facets of the brand are sub-categories beneath The Navy Trademark Licensing Program. The brand represents time-honored qualities of service to the nation and are invested with goodwill deserving of protection. The Navy Trademark Licensing Program oversees the use of the Navy brand to official licensees and ensure that only the highest quality products are produced and sold to the public.