Asciugatura a tamburo Asciugatura ombra Asciugatura steso Asciugatura steso Asciugatura a tamburo temp ridotta Lavaggio 30 gradi Lavaggio a mano Lavaggio delicato 30 gradi Lavaggio extradelicato max 40 gradi Lavaggio max 40 gradi Lavaggio secco no tetracloroetilene Lavaggio secco no tetracloroetilene attenzione Lavaggio secco solventi petrolio Lavaggio umido Max temp 110 gradi Max temp 150 gradi Max temp 200 gradi No asciugatura tamburo No lavaggio secco Non bagnare Non candeggiare Non stirare Non strizzare



Iccab srl - with registered office in Via Provinciale Lucchese, 61-63 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino - Florence - Italy creator and promoter of the activities available in site, reserves the right to use personal information, voluntarily provided by users, in compliance with the regulations (Articles 13 et seq. Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.)

Users are therefore invited to visit this page periodically for updates on changes related to changes in current legislation.

Iccab srl It assures users that the processing of personal data will be reserved for use strictly connected to the provision of its services, the facilitation of site management and the execution of orders.

The information voluntarily provided by users, will in no case disclosed to third parties.

The personal data will be processed by Iccab srl through the use of both paper and electronic, in compliance with current safety standards, for purposes which will be specified from time to time.

Iccab srl It informs that users can exercise their rights under Article 7 d. lgs. 196/2003, set forth below in its essential part.

Users can reserve the right to require Iccab S.r.l.le following information:

- The existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him

- The clear communication of information and its source

- The reason and purpose of their existence and their use

The request for the above information can be renewed with an interval of 90 days, except in those cases where there is good cause: cancellation or modification of such data due to violation of law; erasure of data that are not used for the aims for which they were collected.

Under Article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, therefore we provide the following information:

The personal information provided directly or otherwise acquired, whether verbally, in writing or electronically, will be processed for the following reasons:

- Allow the requested services

- Send information.

The treatment will be carried out, as indicated in Art. 4, paragraph a) of the aforementioned Legislative Decree 196/2003, by paper and / or use of automated tools to store and manage data.

In some cases the processing of your data is necessary to enable the implementation of the requested services, in other cases, however, treatment is entirely optional. However, any refusal to enter your data in the registration page, it could make it impossible to execute the required services.

Under no circumstances and for no reason, your data will be disclosed to third parties or disseminated.

The data collected may, however, be disclosed to third parties who may be asked to perform specific tasks on behalf of Iccab srl (Professional advice, carriers, banks or finance companies, couriers) in different technical forms.

The holder of the treatment is the company Iccab srl , With registered office in Via Provinciale Lucchese, 61-63 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino - Florence - Italy, to which you can contact at any time, to get immediate updating or removing your data.

Any cookies will not be used in any way for the user profile but will be used solely to facilitate the use of the site and order management.


In US NAVY web site they are used cookie.

This term indicates small text files that websites visited by the user to send its terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being transmitted back to the same sites at the next visit to the same user. While navigating a website, you can get on to their terminals also cookie sites or other web server (SO-CALLED "third-party" cookies); this is because on the website visited can be present elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages in other domains that reside on different servers from the one where you find the page required.

Procedures for managing cookies differ depending on your browser, by accessing the Help section you can find out how the latter manage settings. Please note that changing the settings will have impact only on that particular browser and PC, in order to align the behavior to other devices and must be repeated on each browser.

The site US NAVY is a happy pushbar the brief information about cookie management on site US NAVY. By accepting or closing the pushbar or otherwise continuing in any way you browse the site, you consent to the installation on your device as well as the technical cookies including those of third-party profiling.

Hereby, in accordance with Articles 13 and 122 of Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003, Iccab S.r.l., with registered office in Via Provinciale Lucchese, 61-63 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino - Florence - Italy, as data controller, informs that as of its website can be downloaded to user's hardware, two types of cookies:

1. Technical cookies;

2. Third-party cookies profiling

1. Technical Cookies

Cookies are strictly necessary activities related to the operation of the site and the provision of on site services. All technical cookies do not require consent, therefore, are installed automatically as a result of access to the site. Technical cookies can be session or persistent.

The use of C.D. Session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and exploration efficient site. Persistent cookies (which are stored permanently on the user's computer) is sent to the server and are available for future visits. NAVY SPORTSWEAR uses both types of cookies.

2. Third-party Cookies

They are third-party cookies (eg. Google Analytics) exclusively used for statistical purposes; cookies in question collect information that is used in aggregate form in order to monitor and analyze access to all areas of the site.

The website uses Google Analytics for statistical purposes. The cookies in question collect aggregate information in order to monitor and analyze access to all areas of the site. The information generated by cookies on this web site are communicated to Google Inc. whose webhttps site: // expressly referred to for more details and to disable their rescue on the user's terminal since their use for the purposes of navigation on the site MARINA MILITARE SPORTSWEAR it is entirely optional.

Since it is possible that, we suggest to refer to the websites of these third parties where identified or refer in the course of navigation, are downloaded to other third-party cookies on their browser, which are not controlled directly by the MARINA MILITARE SPORTSWEAR site, Additional sites that offer information and tools still useful to the management of these cookies: http: // / html.

The personal data contained in cookies on this site MARINA MILITARE SPORTSWEAR are not disseminated or disclosed to third parties other than those considered in quest'informativa and are processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

Specific security measures are applied to prevent the loss of data, illegal or incorrect uses and unauthorized access or do not comply with the purposes of collection.

The following is the list of technical cookies and third parties acquired browsing on our site and divided by purpose and duration.

Technical cookies

has_js - session length

cookie_policy - lasting one year

Analytical cookies

_ga - duration 2 years

Most browsers currently in use automatically accept cookies, but the User has the option to configure their browser so as to exclude, display before accepting them and eliminate the cookies. You will, however, always possible to disable cookies by changing your browser settings, but this may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the Website.

To facilitate the configuration of your browser, let's recap the following steps to be taken with the most common:


1. Select the Chrome menu icon.

2. Select Settings.

3. At the bottom of the page, select Show advanced settings.

4. In the "Privacy" section, select Content settings.

5. Select Prevent sites from setting any data.

6. Select Done.

Internet Explorer

1. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.

2. Click the Privacy tab under Settings and move the slider to the top to block all cookies, or down to allow it all, and then click OK.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Click on the menu button and select Options.

2. Select the Privacy panel.

3. To turn off cookies remove the mark from the item 'Accept cookies from sites'.


1. Preferences> Advanced> Cookies

2. Never accept cookies


1. Select the option 'Safari' from the menu bar.

2. Select the item 'Preferences'.

3. Select the 'Privacy' tab in this preferences panel.

4. Select the radio 'Never' button in the 'Block cookies'.

The subjects to whom the data processed, as specified in the general privacy policy of this site which, for all other relevant elements under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, see, and that is available on this page, enjoy the rights set out in Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 you can exercise at any time by writing to the email address " ", or at the premises of the owner.

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